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Beacon Ave S & 15th Ave S Safety Project Construction Survey

Beacon Ave S & 15th Ave S Safety Project Construction Survey

Owners or managers of businesses near the Beacon Ave S and 15th Ave S Safety Project: Please fill out this form so we can keep you informed and work with you to minimize construction impacts as much as possible. All questions are optional. Thank you!

The Beacon Ave S and 15th Ave S Safety Project will begin construction as soon as June 2024 and continue through spring 2025. Visit our webpage to learn more about construction at For any questions, email us at or call us at (206) 900-8728.

Privacy notice: Information provided in this form is considered a public record and may be subject to public disclosure. For more information, see the Public Records Act, RCW Chapter 42.56. To learn more about how we manage your information, see our Privacy Statement at
1. Contact form
Your role with the property
Would you like to receive email updates about this project?
2. Does your business have any of the following? (Check all that apply)
4. When is garbage/recycling/yard waste picked up at your business?
7. What languages do you and your customers prefer when getting information?