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Accessibility Strategy Identified Needs Survey (Screen Reader Accessible)

Thank you for filling out this quick survey. 

This survey should only take you 3-5 minutes to complete. 
Your answers will help make the services and programs offered by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency more accessible.

The "Identified Needs" in this survey are part of a larger initiative called the Accessible Strategy Needs Assessment. 
You can read more about the Identified Needs in this survey on the Accessible Strategy Needs Assessment website. 

The Needs Assessment is informed by performance data, community wisdom and institutional knowledge to summarize our efforts to make San Francisco’s transportation network accessible to all and to identify shortcomings where improvement is needed. 

The Identified Needs are informed by:
•    Years of community outreach and engagement.
•    Planning  and program implementation.
•    Customer survey responses.
•    Workshop findings.
•    Citywide task force recommendations.
•    Staff interviews.
•    On-time performance metrics.

The survey is structured to allow you to rank your priorities within each category of Identified Needs.

Community members are also encouraged to contact us at to ask us a question, provide additional feedback or let us know that you are interested in project updates.

Your feedback today will inform the next phase of the Accessibility Strategy called "Goals and Actions". During the Goals and Actions phase, staff at the SFMTA will decide which needs from the Needs Assessment will be prioritized for funding and staff attention. 
1. Do you want to rank streets-related needs? *This question is required.
Please rank your priorities for improving the accessibility of Streets Capital Projects from most to least important. You do not need to rank every option.  Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
Please rank your priorities for improving the accessibility of Streets Policy and Planning from most to least important. You do not need to rank every option.  Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
2. Do you want to rank Muni-related needs? *This question is required.
Please rank your priorities for improving the accessibility of Muni Capital Projects from most to least important. You do not need to rank every option.  Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
Please rank your priorities for improving the accessibility of Muni Service Planning and Policy from most to least important. You do not need to rank every option.  Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
3. Do you want to rank paratransit-related needs? *This question is required.
Please rank your priorities for improving the accessibility of Paratransit Mobility Management from most to least important. You do not need to rank every option. Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
Please rank your priorities for improving the accessibility of Paratransit Capital from most to least important. You do not need to rank every option. Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
Please rank your priorities for improving the accessibility of Paratransit Financial from most to least important. You do not need to rank every option. Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
Please rank your priorities for improving the accessibility of Paratransit Eligibility and Enrollment from most to least important. You do not need to rank every option. Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
Please rank your priorities for improving the accessibility of Paratransit Service and Performance from most to least important. You do not need to rank every option. Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
4. Do you want to rank taxi-related needs?
Please rank your priorities for improving the accessibility of Taxis from most to least important. You do not need to rank every option.  Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.