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Public Comment Form Regarding the Annual State Application for IDEA Part B

Annual State Application Under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act as Amended in 2004 for Federal Fiscal Year 2025 CFDA No. 84.027A and 84.173A

Please refer to the 2025 Annual State Application and Proposed Use of Funds FFY2025 PDF found on the Idaho Department of Special Education website.

The application is posted on the Idaho State Department of Education website 60 days prior to the due date with an announcement and invitation for comments sent out the LEA officials, state agency officials, representatives of advocacy groups, other interested organizations, stakeholder groups, and the general public.

Public comments will be accepted until May 9th, 2025.

Public participation requirements relevant to IDEA Part B are set forth in the Part B regulations at 34 CFR § 300.165 and in section 441(b)(7) of GEPA (20 U.S.C. § 1232d(b)(7)). In accordance with the GEPA requirement, the State must assure that it will provide reasonable opportunities for participation by local agencies, representatives of the class of individuals affected by this program and other interested institutions, organizations, and individuals in the planning for the operation of this program.

GEPA requires that the State publish each proposed plan, in a manner that will ensure circulation throughout the State, at least 60 days prior to the date on which the plan is submitted to the Secretary or on which the plan becomes effective, whichever occurs earlier, with an opportunity for public comments on such plan to be accepted for at least 30 days. The Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) at 34 CFR § 76.102 makes clear that the IDEA Part B Applications are considered State plans.

States must conduct public hearings, ensure adequate notice of those hearings and provide an opportunity for public comment, including comment from individuals with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities, before adopting policies and procedures needed to comply with Part B (including any amendments to those policies and procedures). 34 CFR § 300.165.

A public hearing will be held to address any public questions, concerns, or comments regarding the application for funding, and the changes in the application package on Monday, May 12th, 2025 at 9am MST. The meeting will be held via Zoom with live captioning.

Click here to register for the Zoom Public Hearing, hosted by the Idaho Department of Education’s Special Education Team. If you would like to attend but require other accommodations, please email

The State must review and consider all public comments and make any necessary modifications to the Application or policies and procedures, as appropriate.