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Local Education Agency (LEA) Consolidated Accountability Plan (L-CAP) Template: SY2025–26


Welcome to the Local Education Agency Consolidated Accountability Plan (L-CAP) template. This template provides background information about the L-CAP as well as detailed instructions that guide you through its completion. If at any point you need to save your work and continue filling out the L-CAP later, use the "Save and Continue" option located in a bar on each page. A link will be emailed to you that will allow you to return to the template later without losing the information you've already entered. For additional support in completing the L-CAP template, please reference the L-CAP Implementation Guide

The template is organized in the following sections: 

  • Background and Purpose: This section provides context for what the L-CAP is and why it needs to be completed. 
  • The Improvement Process: This section provides an overview of the WSIF school identification timeline to help you situate the L-CAP in the larger school identification process. 

  • Information: This section begins the information entry portion of the L-CAP and asks you to enter logistical information about your LEA. 

  • Community Feedback and Involvement: This section is where you can elaborate on how you will engage with the community in support of identified schools. 

  • Examining Inequities: This section is where you will have the opportunity to describe how you will examine and address inequities in identified schools. 

  • Identify System Goals and Describe Improvement Activities: This section is where you will identify the high-leverage goals and evidence-based practices your LEA will use to support the Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 3 Plus schools.  

  • Progress Monitoring Measures: This section is where you will describe what measures/data will be used to progress monitor the effectiveness of the evidence-based practices in supporting the LEA’s high-leverage systems goals. 

  • Budget/Funding: This section is where you will account for how all improvement activities (evidence-based practices) will be budgeted for and funded and/or resourced.