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Proposed Amendments to Regulations on Vocational Technical Education - 2025 Public Comment

Public comment on the Regulations regarding Vocational Technical Education may be submitted by completing the form below, or by emailing the address below, or by submitting written comment via mail to: Regulations Public Comment, c/o Commissioner’s Office, Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149. The deadline to submit public comment is April 18, 2025 at 5:00 pm. The Board is expected to vote on the proposed amendments at its regular monthly meeting scheduled for May 20, 2025.

Key Information:
  • Link to Proposed Amendments to Current Regulations: Board Memo, Proposed Amendments to Current Regulations 
  • Regulatory Authority: M.G.L. c. 69, §§ 1B and 1F, and M.G.L. c. 74, § 2
  • Summary of Proposed Amendments: In summary, the proposed amendments relate to changes in admissions practices including a weighted lottery system and student demonstration of interest. The proposed amendments also include requirements related to the middle school experience. Lastly, the proposed amendments include updates to address terminology – e.g., updating references to this type of education from “vocational” to “career technical.”
  • Email Address to Submit Public Comment or Questions:
1. Contact information *This question is required.
2. Please indicate your role(s)
  • * This question is required.
4. Who are you submitting on behalf of?
5. Please characterize your level of support for each of the following aspects of the proposed regulations changes, as well as your overall level of support. Note you may provide feedback and suggestions on the proposed changes to each section of the regulations later in this survey.
Space Cell In support of the proposed amendmentsMixed support, with specific suggestions to change aspects of the languageIn opposition to the proposed amendmentsNeutral
For the proposed changes regarding "modernizing the language" (e.g. changing "vocational" to "career technical")
For the proposed addition of the "implementation of a weighted lottery"
For the proposed use of a student's disciplinary record as a selective criterion in the weighted lottery
For the proposed use of a student's attendance record as a selective criterion in the weighted lottery
For the proposed changes regarding the "common admissions timeline"
For the proposed changes regarding the "middle school pathways exploration policies"
For the proposed addition of "student demonstration of interest," including the requirements for CTE schools
15. If you would like to provide any supporting documentation, please upload it here.