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Public Narrative Training Registration

In today's fast-paced world, effective communication is key, especially when it comes to recruiting volunteers, raising funds, or advocating for change. Through the art of storytelling, nonprofit leaders have the opportunity to use their authentic stories to communicate their values to inspire people to join them in achieving their mission.

In this Public Narrative training, participants will learn how to develop their public narrative by sharing three stories – Story of Self, Us, and Now to motivate people to accept responsibility to work toward a common purpose. This leadership framework was developed by Prof. Marshall Ganz at the Harvard Kennedy School and has been adopted by leaders across the globe. 

The pedagogical approach used in this three-part workshop is simple but powerful: explain, model, practice, debrief then repeat. Practice and iteration are key for the mastery of this art: Your story will only get better as you practice it on the listeners you are trying to motivate. 

This course is open to Black, Indigenous, Latinx or Hispanic, or Asian nonprofit leaders at any stage of their careers and who work at locally based, locally serving nonprofits in the Greater Washington region.

Link to a video about the course


In-person Program Dates:

  • Thursday - May 29 from 9 to 11:30 am – Story of Self
  • Thursday – June 5 from 9 to 11:30 am – Story of Us
  • Thursday – June 12 from 9 to 12:30 pm – Story of Now & Linking
Participant Cost: $300 (Total program cost is $800, the remaining $500 will be covered via scholarship made possible by LeaderBridge)
Registration Deadline: April 30
Spots Available: 8
Registration Process: Interested individuals should indicate their interest using this form. From there, the Public Narrative team will conduct a short 15-minute interview. Once final decisions are made, participants will pay the $300 to secure their spot in the program.

If you have any questions, please contact Chiara Frechette All information provided below will remain private and only be reviewed by the Spur Local team and the Public Narrative Training team.

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