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FY25 Minnesota Unraveled Podcast

Thank you for listening to the Minnesota Unravelled podcast! If you are 18 or older, please take a few minutes to tell us about your experience. Your responses are anonymous and will help us improve our listener experience. You may choose to enter your name into a drawing for a $25 retail gift card at the end of the survey. The drawing will take place July 1, 2025. 
2. Overall, how would you rate your experience with this episode?
5. Please provide TWO ratings below. The first table represents your ratings NOW, after listening. The second, table represents your ratings BEFORE listening. How would you rate your:
NOW, after listening to the podcast BEFORE listening to the podcast
A great deal Quite a bit Some A little Not at all A great deal Quite a bit Some A little Not at all
Interest in history
Understanding of how history connects to your daily life
Awareness of how history is connected to current events
Empathy for people whose experiences are different than yours
Understanding of how different parts of history are interconnected
6. To what extent did the podcast create an environment that felt welcoming and inclusive?
A great dealQuite a bitSomeA littleNot at all
7. How likely are you to recommend the Minnesota Unraveled podcast to your friends or family? 
Not at all likelyExtremely likely
8. How did you hear about the Minnesota Unraveled podcast? 
9. How many episodes of Minnesota Unraveled have you listened to? 
10. Are you a member of the Minnesota Historical Society?
11. What is your age range? 
12. Which one or more of the following describes you? Check ALL that apply. 
This question requires a valid email address.