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Library of Michigan Management Cohort

Library of Michigan - Public Library Management Cohort Application

This project is made possible by grant funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) administered by the State of Michigan through the Library of Michigan.

Thank you for your interest in the Management Cohort. The Cohort will include two training tracks - one for Middle Managers and one for New Supervisors. The cohort is intended for library staff new to a middle manager or supervisor position. The application is a competitive process so all applications may not be accepted. The program will be delivered both online and in-person from May 2025 through September 2025. Attendance at all meetings is expected. Applicants must be currently employed in a Michigan public library and have the support of their director or, if the director, their board, to participate. Applicants will be notified whether they are accepted into the program no later than early April.
1. Please list your name and contact information.  *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
3. Please list the address of your library. *This question is required.
4. What class size library do you work in?
5. What library cooperative is your library a member of? *This question is required.
6. Are you applying for the Middle Manager track or the New Supervisor track? *This question is required.
This program is designed to improve administrative skills for public library staff to improve library services overall in Michigan communities. In order to help us assess how this program may help you and your library, please answer each question below in a paragraph or two.  
12. Finally, would you be excited to participate in a monthly mastermind group during and after the completion of the cohort?  *This question is required.
Application Certification - Please answer the question below and upload your agreement form. The agreement form can be found on the Public Library Management Cohort web site in the Continuing Education section of the LM web site -
13. By clicking yes, I am certifying the following:
  • I have the permission of my Library Board or Director to participate in this program, which will require me to complete course work, 2 one day in-person workshops at the Library of Michigan, 4 to 5 online meetings and a coaching session from May 2025 through September 2025.
  • I understand that completing the program will require approximately 12 hours of meeting/workshop time, travel time, and time to complete course work. 
  • I understand I will need a computer and internet access to participate.
  • I understand if I do not complete classes on schedule without making prior arrangements with the Library of Michigan staff, I will be dropped from the cohort.
*This question is required.
14. Upload your completed Public Library Management Cohort Agreement form in PDF format. Please name the file "Last Name agreement form" *This question is required.