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Readers' Choice and Business Choice 2025 - Routers and NAS/Servers


Welcome to the 2025 PCMag Readers' Choice Survey for
Wi-Fi Routers, Mesh Networking Kits, and Network Attached Storage (NAS)
and the Business Choice Survey for Routers, Access Points, and Servers

The entire survey should take no longer than three (3) minutes for each product you rate.

When you complete the survey, enter our sweepstakes to win a $250 gift card. 

  • Please only complete one survey per person.
  • Required questions are indicated by a red asterisk (*).
  • Please click the 'Next' button at the bottom of each page to continue. You can pause the survey by clicking "Save and continue later" at the bottom of the screen. A unique link will be emailed to you to resume completion.
  • Your answers will remain confidential.
  • Survey results will appear in a future story on