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AEA 2025 Awards Nominations Letter of Interest Form

AEA offers awards in seven distinct areas to recognize truly exemplary performance. Our awards program celebrates accomplishments, published work, support of the association, advocacy efforts, and career achievement of AEA members. All awards are presented annually at the Evaluation Conference.

Before being invited to submit a full packet by the Awards Working Group, you are required to submit a nomination letter of interest for the nominee. The following must accompany this submission:

  • Nominee Information: Name, Title, Affiliation (Primary place of work or study), Email, Phone, and AEA membership status
  • Nominator Information (If different from the nominee): Name, Title, Affiliation (Primary place of work or study), Email, Phone
  • Nomination Letter of Interest of no more than 500 words attesting to the nominee's qualifications, contributions to the field of evaluation/the association, and worthiness for the award for which they wish to be considered.
Nominee Information *This question is required.
Nominator Information (If different from the nominee)