The City of Fort Collins is conducting a study of fair housing choice. This survey will help the City know if residents are satisfied with their housing choices and if they have had trouble finding housing. The study is required to fulfill the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) requirements for a fair housing study. Responses to the survey are voluntary and, to protect your privacy, will be reported only in combination with the other survey responses in summary format.
As a thank you for completing this survey, you can enter a drawing for a $100 Visa Gift Card by putting your email or phone number at the end of the survey. You do not have to complete all the questions on the survey to enter your name into the contest. You will only be contacted if you are the winner. This information will not be used for any other purpose. *See Gift Card Drawing Official Rules for more information.
Please complete this survey by April 30, 2025
Thank you for your participation in this important effort.
If you have questions about the use of the survey information, please contact Dianne Tjalkens at or 970-221-6734.
7. What are the main reasons why you haven't moved? *This question is required.
14. Have any of these been a problem for you or your family when trying to find housing to purchase in Fort Collins? Please rate each factor on a scale from 0 to 9 (0=not a problem, 9=serious problem)
Housing I can afford is too far from transit options
Housing I can afford is too far from work
Housing I can afford is too far from quality schools
Concentrations of affordable housing in certain areas
I can't find a real estate professional of the race, ethnicity, disability, gender or identity I prefer
I can't get bus service close to my home/work/services I need
I can't get housing information in Spanish or other language
Lack of housing I can afford to purchase
I did not get information about private mortgage insurance
I was given a subprime loan (higher interest rate than normal)
My lender did not give me an appraisal of my home or property
My lender told me to use a specific appraisal or hazard insurance company
Owners of mobile home parks charge hidden fees
Real estate agents showed me housing I could afford only in certain neighborhoods
Restrictive rules by builders, developers or homeowners’ associations
17. When you think about where you want to live next in Fort Collins, what things are most important to you? List up to three.
*This question is required.