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Home Visiting Cost Model Development Survey


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¡Bienvenidos!   Esta encuesta también está disponible en español. Para seleccionar la versión es español de la encuesta, haga clic en el menú en la parte superior de la página.

Prenatal to Five Fiscal Strategies is developing an online tool that can estimate the true cost of providing home visiting services in every state or locality. We want your help to ensure this new resource meets the needs of the field. Your participation in this survey supports our understanding of the current experiencing running home visiting programs. This survey can be completed by anyone in the home visiting field with experience working in home visiting programs (managers, supervisors, home visitors, support staff, model representatives).

We are looking for input on the key features of home visiting programming, those features that are the biggest cost drivers of program expenses and those features that are the most important to responsive and flexible home visiting services that meet the needs of children and families.

The information gathered through the survey will support building a cost model tool that meets the needs of the diverse field of home visiting; answers will be kept confidential and not attributed to individuals.  
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at