This online application is used for both the Seth R. and Corinne H. Brooks Memorial Scholarship and the Caroline Previdi of Sandy Hook Elementary Memorial Scholarship. Eligibility for the Seth R. and Corinne H. Brooks Memorial Scholarship is restricted to sons or daughters of members of Beta Theta Pi, and the Caroline Previdi of Sandy Hook Elementary Memorial Scholarship is restricted to individuals majoring in Education (with a preference to sons and daughters of members of Beta Theta Pi). Four winners will be chosen this year as described below.
Seth R. and Corinne H. Brooks Memorial Scholarship - Two Scholarships of $1,475 each
Caroline Previdi of Sandy Hook Elementary Memorial Scholarship - Two Scholarships of $1,275 each
IMPORTANT: Before submitting this application, you must know your current cumulative GPA and upload your most recent academic transcript (PDF preferred; unofficial transcripts are acceptable). You will not be able to save your answers and provide this information at a later time.