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ACPA Discussion Forum Submission Form

ACPA discussion forums are non-CE online events in which attendees have the opportunity to learn, network, and discuss a specific topic. If you are interested in leading a discussion forum, please enter the information below.
1. Please enter your information below.
This question requires a valid email address.
2. Please indicate which type of discussion forum you would like to lead.
4. Are you a current member of ACPA?
4. Please indicate if you or a family member are affected by a cleft/craniofacial difference.
6. Is there someone else who will lead this forum with you?
7. Are they a member of ACPA?
7. Please check all months you are available to lead the forum within the next year.
8. Check all days of the week you are available to lead the forum.
9. Using Eastern Time, check all times of day you are available to lead the forum.