Thank you for your interest in participating in the WisTech Assistive Technology Credential Course.
WisTech has established assistive technology (AT) credentials for providers in Wisconsin. These credentials recognize the experience, knowledge, and dedication to provide high quality, consumer-driven AT services in a timely manner.
WisTech offers AT credentials depending on the provider's background experience:
- WisTech AT credential
- WisTech Verified ATP (Assistive Technology Professional) credential
This application is to enroll in either of these credentials.
The WisTech Assistive Technology credential (non-ATP version). The course will include 12 learning modules along with required discussions, assignments, quizzes, and a final AT Assessment case study. It is anticipated that each module will take between 2-3 hours and one module will be launched each week. The course will be graded and those who achieve a passing score (grade C or better) will be issued the WisTech AT credential. The credential is valid for two years and renewals will be issued based on submission of documentation of applicable professional development (2 CEU/20 hours). The course itself is hosted on the Canvas learning platform and accessed through a personal account each participant creates.
- WisTech Verified ATP credential
The WisTech Verified ATP credential is designed specifically for those who already have certification from RESNA. The course will include 4 modules, a discussion post, and a short quiz. This is a self-paced course with an open enrollment. Modules will open or release as you move through the course. The credential is valid for two years and renewals will be issued based on submission of the ATP renewal documentation. The course is hosted on the Canvas learning platform and accessed through a personal account each participant creates.
Participants are enrolled as a "cohort" of approximately 20 students. Please fill out the following questionnaire to apply for participation. You will receive a confirmation email and will be provided a timeline for when a cohort will be available for you.
For more information or additional support filling out this questionnaire, please contact WisTech by phone at 608-514-2513 or by email to Please note that a red asterisk indicates a required field.