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Your Voice 2025

Your Voice 2025

Do you ever feel like you're shouting from the rooftops, but no one is listening? Got thoughts and opinions on the issues impacting Australia including safety, mental health, education, belonging, the environment, and much more? Your Voice is your chance to tell the Government and community exactly how you feel.

Your Voice is your way to have your say!

Your Voice Survey
Participation in the Your Voice survey is voluntary and anonymous. It can be completed by anyone aged 12 - 25 years. When you submit the survey you are providing consent for your responses to be used as part of the survey findings in the following ways:
  • Contribute to the progression of the Your Voice project and development of the final report - telling us what's important to young people across Australia and detailed recommendations for change
  • Develop yourtown documents including advocacy, government and funding submissions
  • Inform articles, presentations and reports for internal and external audiences

If you are under the age of 18 it is recommended that you talk to a parent and/or guardian about this project before participating.

The survey will take approximately 10 - 15 minutes and you can save your responses and come back at  a later stage. On completion of the survey you can go in the draw to win a $50 visa gift card (read the terms and conditions). 

For more information on how your data will be used or how to access support services please read our information sheet. An offline copy of the survey can be accessed here and returned to

Your Voice 
Following this survey we will be running further consultations with young people. This includes:
  • National online forums to discuss key issues that you have highlighted as important 
  • In-person and online summits to workshop ideas, solutions, and recommendations for change 
  • Giving voice, via report development and presenting the findings to the Australian Government

If you are interested in being further involved or being kept up to date, there will be an opportunity to fill in your details at the end of the survey. Your details will not be shared with anyone outside of the Your Voice team and cannot be linked to your survey responses.