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Chandler General Plan Update - English

General Questions

The Chandler General Plan 2016: a vision refined was adopted by the City Council on April 14, 2016, and ratified by voters with 85.8% in favor on August 30, 2016. Arizona Revised Statutes require that general plans be readopted and updated, if necessary, every 10 years to ensure that the community vision and values remain relevant.  

The following six questions for the General Plan Update (GPU) are designed to glean information about the existing vision statement, guiding principles, and core values as well as direction from the community on pertinent topic areas, perceptions, and issues for the GPU.  

A concurrent Comprehensive Housing Plan (CHP) is also being drafted for the city and respondents can elect to answer an additional 11 questions related to housing.
Chandler’s current vision statement was adopted in 2016. Is this existing vision statement still relevant to you?
The city of chandler is a major urban center reaching build-out over the next few decades, which requires a shift from outward growth to quality community building. Chandler is connected by an efficient regional system and local multimodal transportation network. The city is the recognized leader for its strong economic foundation, desirable neighborhoods, and outstanding public services and its leaders remain focused on quality, sustained planning that ensures a future better than today. Chandler is a regional employment center and important Arizona economic driver; its world-class corporations, emerging technology businesses, and next-generation entrepreneurs call chandler home because of its well-educated workforce, exceptional educational achievement and opportunities, and superior quality of life.
Space Cell RelevantSomewhat RelevantNeutralSomewhat IrrelevantNot RelevantPrefer not to answer.
2016 Vision Statement
The 2016 Chandler General Plan contains statutorily required and elective topic areas and organized into the following three guiding principles and related three core values. Are these guiding principles and core values still relevant to you? 
Space Cell RelevantSomewhat RelevantNeutralSomewhat IrrelevantNot RelevantPrefer not to answer.
Strategic Community Building (land use & development; housing & neighborhoods; design & aesthetics; and growth areas). Core value: maintain chandler’s exceptional quality of life while achieving community excellence.
Focused Stewardship (conservation & environmental planning; air quality; noise & lighting; flood control; energy; and water). Core value: protect chandler’s resources to sustain the community’s continued progression and maturation.
Strong Community Foundation (public services & facilities; public safety; cultural resources; schools, and financial sustainability). Core value: development and maintain safe, state of the art community infrastructure.
What do you love about Chandler? (Select your top 5)
Which of the listed issues are the most important to you for Chandler? Please rank your priorities in numeric order from the list below and select your top 2 focus areas for each priority selected: 
Please rank your priorities in numeric order from the list below: 

1: Most Important
9: Least Important
Space Cell 123456789Prefer not to answer.
Aging Neighborhoods – Revitalize older neighborhoods like Downtown Chandler or San Marcos neighborhood.
Transportation Choices – Increase opportunities for varied modes of transportation including walking, biking public transportation and driving.
Community Aesthetics - Public spaces are a great opportunity for beautification and can also increase community pride and community connection.
Environment & Sustainability – Protect and conserve our water resources, improve air quality, and reduce impact of extreme heat.
Health & Well-Being – Improve neighborhood safety, address behavioral health, access to health care and healthy food.
Economic Competitiveness – Attract a wider variety of well-paying jobs to the city.
Schools & Education – Support the education system and local learning environments.
Housing Choices – Provide a wider variety of housing options for all budgets.
Parks & Open Space – Continue to provide and protect parks and open space.
Select your top 2 focus areas for:

Aging Neighborhoods – Revitalize older neighborhoods like Downtown Chandler or San Marcos neighborhood. 
Select your top 2 focus areas for:

Transportation Choices
– Increase opportunities for varied modes of transportation including walking, biking public transportation and driving.
Select your top 2 focus areas for: 

Community Aesthetics - Public spaces are a great opportunity for beautification and can also increase community pride and community connection.
Select your top 2 focus areas for: 

Environment & Sustainability – Protect and conserve our water resources, improve air quality, and reduce impact of extreme heat.
Select your top 2 focus areas for: 

Health & Well-Being – Improve neighborhood safety, address behavioral health, access to health care and healthy food.
Select your top 2 focus areas for:

Economic Competitiveness – Attract a wider variety of well-paying jobs to the city
Select your top 2 focus areas for:

Schools & Education
– Support the education system and local learning environments 
Select your top 2 focus areas for:

Housing Choices
– Provide a wider variety of housing options for all budgets. 
Select your top 2 focus areas for:

Parks & Open Space – Continue to provide and protect parks and open space.
The 2016 Chandler General Plan identified the following six growth areas.
Which of these areas do you feel are most important to address with this General Plan Update? (Select up to 2 areas)