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Ramadan Waiver


USDA approved OSPI’s statewide waiver request to allow local Program operators to serve meals in a non-congregate setting to participants fasting during Ramadan in 2025. Under the waiver approval, OSPI’s local Program operators may serve meals in a non-congregate setting, adjust the time of meal service, and senior high schools are not required to use offer versus serve for lunch during Ramadan 2025.  

This waiver is available in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). In CACFP, this waiver is available for emergency shelters, adult day care centers, outside-school-hours care centers (OSHCC), and the at-risk afterschool component. Only sponsors in good standing with OSPI and the operation of the USDA Child Nutrition Programs will be considered for approval of waiver use. 

The waiver is effective from February 28 through March 30, 2025. Sponsors may only operate non-congregate meal service during their local observance of Ramadan.