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Aotearoa Free From Stalking submission

Nau Mai, Haere Mai – Welcome to the Aotearoa Free From Stalking / Auckland Women’s Centre submission questionnaire.

Aotearoa Free From Stalking (AFFS) thanks The Backbone Collective for their vital advice and technical support during the preparation of this secure, anonymous questionnaire to enable people with lived experience of stalking to safely inform the Crimes Legislation (Stalking and Harassment) Amendment Bill. AFFS staff will read and analyse your responses, as per the permissions you give in the first question of the questionnaire.

Please note: filling out this Aotearoa Free From Stalking (AFFS) questionnaire will not create an individual submission for yourself, instead it will inform the AFFS submission without using your name.

We encourage people to make their own submission if they can do so safely, so that their feedback is counted separately by Parliament.

The closing date for this questionnaire informing the AFFS submission is midnight Sunday 9 February.

The closing date for submissions to Parliament – and for Parliament’s own anonymous survey (completely separate to this AFFS questionnaire) is midnight Thursday 13 February.

Click here if you want information on the options to have your say on the new stalking law.

If you know of anyone who may want to take part in this
questionnaire you are welcome the share the questionnaire link with them.

Click ‘Next’ or the arrow button (bottom right) to go to the next page.