Welcome to the LWVUS Federal Judiciary Study survey form. The survey provides local and state Leagues an opportunity to report the results of their consensus meetings on the Federal Judiciary Study. Delegates to LWVUS Convention 2024 overwhelmingly voted for a one-year study of the Federal Judiciary. Leagues will be meeting from February 8-April 14, 2025 to discuss the Federal Judiciary Study information and respond to twelve questions. The questions are structured as statements with which your League can report strong consensus for, moderate consensus for, strong consensus against, moderate consensus against or no consensus. You may also provide information you wish to share about your League’s answer on each question (up to 100 words).
To see the full survey, Study Guide and the Policy Briefs by the FJS Committee, you may consult the Federal Judiciary Study page on the League Management Site.
The survey form must be completed by a representative of the local or state League. Individual responses will not be accepted. If you have specific questions, you can direct them to progplan@lwv.org.
Please have your League's responses ready when you begin this form. The form should take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Each of the 12 questions has an optional textbox to follow if your League wants to add anything on their decision, and there is a long textbox at the end of the survey for your League to further elaborate on the study. A copy of your League's responses will be sent to the respondent and secondary respondent added below.
This form will close at 6pm PDT on April 14th.
3. Name of Individual Responding *This question is required.
4. Email of Individual Responding *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
5. Secondary Person to be Included on This Form
6. Email of Second Person to be Included on This Form
This question requires a valid email address.
7. Date of League Consensus Meeting *This question is required.
This question requires a valid date format of MM/DD/YYYY.