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2025 Charitable Partnership Application

2025 Charitable Partnership Application

The NFLPA Charitable Partnership Program was created to provide strategic financial support to non-profit organizations that align with the core community pillars of our members.  We believe it is important to support charitable organizations who are active in making an impact in communities across the country. 

  • The NFLPA Charitable Partnership Grants are awarded once per year. The number and size of grants allocated each year will depend on the number of applications received, and the amount of funding requested. Charitable Grant requests should not exceed $25,000.
  • Please allow three (3) to four (4) months from the submission deadline to receive a decision on your grant request. All notifications will be sent out electronically to the email address provided.
  • If you are awarded a grant, you must submit a 6-month summary of how the funds are being utilized. At the end of each funding year, the grant recipient must submit an Impact Report which gives an annual review of how the grant was used for their organization.  Funding renewals are not automatic and cannot be guaranteed.
  • IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR A GRANT RENEWAL – you must submit a brief grant renewal application and report of the final results from the prior grant with your new funding request.

Charitable Partnership Eligibility Criteria:
  • Funding will only be considered for organizations that have 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS);
  • Must have an annual budget of $50,000 or more.
  • The organization’s administrative costs must be under 40% of operational budgets;
  • Organization must be 5 years of age.
  • Must fit one of our six pillars.

Grant Application deadline: March 31, 2025  

With questions, please reach out to and 
4. What category are you applying for? *This question is required.
6.  The following materials must be provided for your application to be considered. Please submit one electronic copy with all required documents:
  • Written statement of funding request 
  • Copy of your latest IRS letter of tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3);
  • Statement (signed and dated) on the organization’s letterhead that there has been no change in purpose, character, or organizational structure after issuance of the IRS letter;
  • Most recent annual report;
  • 990 Tax return;
  • List of board members and their affiliations
**Applications must contain all required documents. Incomplete funding requests will be not be considered. *This question is required.