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State Representative Elizabeth Diane Torres-Velasquez 2025 Constituent Survey

State Representative Elizabeth Diane Torres-Velasquez 2025 Constituent Survey

Dear Neighbor:

The 2025 Legislative Session runs from January 21-March 22.

I am excited – and honored – to be representing you in the NM State Capitol. It is very important for me to know my constituents and how they feel about the many critical issues facing New Mexico. Your response to this survey will help me better represent you in the NM Legislature.

In addition to this survey, I welcome you to contact me at any time at

You can follow pending bills, view schedules of committee meetings and full session meetings, or give public comment virtually by visiting the legislative website at

Thank you,

Diane Torres-Velasquez
1. Are you a resident of House District 30?
4. What should the state legislature be most focused on, given the current state of our state?  Please rank in order of importance to you. Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
6. To improve public safety, please rank the following in order of importance: Note: for the following table each column is restricted to a single answer across all rows.
7. There will be many initiatives introduced in relation to public safety this year. Please put a check box in each item that you think will make a difference (check as many as you'd like):
8. Do you support or oppose stronger requirements for renewable energy production in New Mexico?
10. The Children, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD) has been in the news a lot lately. Do you support changing the Children’s Code to allow more oversight of CYFD, and require CYFD to be more transparent in its decisions (without disclosing specific names of children and families involved):
11. Do you support the creation of an independent office of the Child Advocate to hold CYFD more accountable?
12. New Mexico is doing well with revenues currently, mostly because of oil and gas royalties. However, because of the volatile nature of this revenue source and its likely decline as we evolve to electric and other forms of energy, do you support investing these “extra” funds now to provide for more secure funding for New Mexico in the future (as opposed to spending the money now on programs)?
13. Affordable housing has proven to be a big issue in New Mexico. Do you think it is important for New Mexico to provide more funding for affordable housing opportunities in our state:
15. Do you support NM enacting a Paid Family Medical Leave Act to ensure that New Mexico workers have access to paid leave when suffering from a major illness or injury, experiencing the death of a child, welcoming a new child, dealing with domestic or sexual violence, or needing to care for a loved one that is seriously ill?
16. Should the state enact legislation to protect consumers and regulate the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to address the ethical, social, and economic challenges posed by this new technology?
17. New Mexico has the only remaining unsalaried legislature in the nation. Do you support a Constitutional Amendment to modernize the NM Legislature by compensating legislators with a salary to better allow New Mexicans from all of walks of life to serve, extending the length of sessions, and providing professional staffing to create better policies to move New Mexico forward?
18. If New Mexico were to create a professional legislature, do you support an Independent Salary Commission to set these salaries and re-evaluate periodically?
22. I would like to periodically communicate the most important developments in state government with you and our neighbors. Those communications can be opted-out of at any time. What is your preferred method of contact?
23. Please share your information so that I can follow up with you if needed: