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2025 Grade 8 MCAS Civics Standard Setting Application

The Grade 8 MCAS Civics Standard Setting meeting will take place on August 5-7, 2025. See the Invitation to Apply for the Grade 8 MCAS Civics Standard Setting Panel for additional information. 

Please complete this application by the end of Monday, March 24, 2025. You will need to upload a statement of interest and your résumé as PDF or Microsoft Word files as part of this application.

We expect to notify applicants over email by the beginning of May 2025 about whether they have been selected for the standard setting panel. If you have any questions, please email

1. Please enter your contact information:
This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid email address.
Which email address is your preferred email address?  *This question is required.(Please ensure that you will be able to access this email address over the summer and that you will be able to receive group emails at this address.)
(Include the area code and enter numbers only) This question requires a valid number format.
2. Please share some of your identities:
Race and/or Ethnicity (check all that apply) *This question is required.
  • * This question is required.
Gender Identity *This question is required.
3. Please describe your professional experience:
(Write N/A if you do not currently work in a school and have no affiliation with higher education or an educational organization.)
This question requires a valid number format.
Which of the following populations do you have educational experience with? (check all that apply) *This question is required.
4. School District
Do you currently work for a school district? *This question is required.
Which word best describes the size of the school district where you work?  *This question is required.
Which word best describes the type of school district where you work? *This question is required.
Which word best describes the socioeconomic status of the school district where you work? *This question is required.
5. Upload your Statement of Interest as a PDF or Microsoft Word document. The file should be named "LastName-FirstName-Statement" *This question is required.The statement of interest should be 1-2 paragraphs long and should include:
  • why you want to serve on a standard setting panel
  • how you will bring a diverse perspective to the panel
  • your experience working with racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse communities, and any other relevant experiences
6. Upload your current Résumé as a PDF or Microsoft Word document. The file should be named "LastName-FirstName-Resume" *This question is required.Your résumé should include the following:
  • your current position (including your roles and responsibilities)
  • any degrees you have earned in relevant subject areas and/or other content expertise training and experiences
  • your experience working with special populations, including multilingual learners and students with disabilities
7. Support from Supervisor
Does your direct supervisor support your participation in the Grade 8 MCAS Civics Standard Setting panel? (You will be representing your school/district, higher education institution, or organization during the standard setting process.) *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
8. Are you interesting in being a table leader? *This question is required.Table leaders will help facilitate small group discussions.
9. Availability *This question is required.
Please confirm that you are available to attend the entire three-day meeting on August 5-7, 2025.