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Far West Workforce Development and Planning 2025


Regional Development Australia Far West, in partnership with Regional Solutions Community Development Organisation invite you to participate in research into the emerging trends and skill shortages in Far West NSW.

* This survey should take approximately 25 minutes to complete and your response will help inform all stakeholders to develop strategies that address the future workforce needs of the region.

* Your 25 minutes is a significant investment in the future of our region and your business.

* In this survey you WILL NOT be asked any questions about the finances of your organisation.

In 2016 Regional Development Australia Far West (RDA Far West) conducted the first Far West Workforce Development Study, in 2019 and 2022 we followed up with further surveys to better understand what had changed over the years. Much has changed in our region and indeed the world over the years and again its important to understand those changes from our employers / businesses perspective.

The Far West Workforce Development Study provides a strong evidence base of the regions workforce needs, business aspirations, frustrations and successes. 

Skill shortages are commonly reported across Australia and have been reported as being amongst the biggest issues faced in the Australian Labour Market, likewise skill shortages have often been raised in our region as a barrier to growth. Whilst data is available from various Government Departments it is not always specific for our region and doesn't allow for the development of strategies to address skill shortages and training requirements and doesn't allow for the region to plan for the short, medium and long term requirements of industry.

Many issues have been raised over recent years as concerns and barriers to regional employment, including;
  • Difficulties in attraction and retention of a skilled suitable workforce
  • Training opportunities that don't always align with the needs of the region
  • Housing needs in the region
  • Critical shortage of childcare options in the region
  • Job readiness has been raised as a common concern and some employers have raised issues that some job seekers, particularly young people and the long term unemployed are not job ready, or ready for the world of work
We are conducting this research to determine;
  • If skill shortages reported in 2016, 2019 and 2022 have improved, remained constant or worsened
  • What strategies have worked and what hasn't
  • What are the skill shortage areas
  • What skills are we likely to require into the future
  • What training will the region require to match the predicted future skill requirements
  • How transferable are the skills that currently exist in the region
  • How job ready are our job seekers
From the outcomes of the research we will work with all stakeholders in the region to develop strategies to address identified shortages, issues and perceptions.

Retention of our young people and creating stronger career pathways for everyone are key strategies to economic diversity, job creation and strong growth for our region. RDA Far West are committed to working across the entire region with all stakeholders to support economic diversity and growth.

Your privacy is important. You can participate in this survey anonymously, however we would like to be able to contact you at a later date to discuss the outcomes of this survey and any strategies considered or developed to address any issues raised. You do not need to provide your contact details or the name of your organisation to participate, however if you do your information will be treated with the strictest confidence. Any information you provide will not be shared and will only be used to inform the survey and planning to address issues raised.

We will not identify you and your responses in any documents or reports.

If you would like to know more please contact
Regional Development Australia Far West NSW 
353 Blende Street Broken Hill 2880 NSW
Phone; 08 8087 8383

Thank you for your time, without a significant number of responses from the region we cannot work with stakeholders to try and address any issues raised.

What has the past Studies led to?

RDA Far West have worked collaboratively with all levels of government, industry sectors and communities in the Far West region to develop and support strategies to address both the recommendations from the past Studies and the needs of our communities. The evidence provided through the survey has supported;
  • The establishment of Country Universities Centre Far West
  • The direction of the Far West Excellence in Business Awards
  • Facilitation of the Far West Careers Expo
  • Liveability strategies
  • Development and updates to the Far West Regional Prospectus
  • Creation of an Employment and Training Coordinator position to promote and support vocational pathways
  • Establishment of the Country Education Foundation of Far West NSW
  • The return of face to face delivery for Automotive apprentices 
  • Direct employment of School Based Trainees
  • Ongoing negotiation with State and Commonwealth governments, supported by the evidence provide by the regions employers
  • Enhanced Skilled Migration strategies
  • Seminars and short training sessions
  • Specialised support from varying stakeholders
  • Evidence to establish the Welcome Experience Program

This question requires a valid email address.
6. How long has your organisation been operating?
7. In which Local Government area does your organisation operate?
8. What is the primary industry area of your business?
9. If you identified as a retail organisation in the previous question please specify.
10. Does your organisation have a website?
11. For what purpose does your organisation use it's website? (tick all that are relevant)
12. Does your organisation rely on electronic communications (e.g. email, mobile phones, smart devices)
13. Regardless of how your organisation utilises electronic communication, are you satisfied with the speed / quality of internet and telecommunication services?
14. If you are not satisfied with internet and telecommunication services in the region, please expand on the issues unsatisfactory telecommunications creates for your business (tick all that are relevant)
15. With the rapid growth of technology does your organisation use Artificial Intelligence (AI) software
16. Does your organisation use social media?
17. If your organisation does use social media, how is it being used? (Tick all that apply)
18. Where do you sell / market your goods and / or services?
(tick as many as apply)
19. How many employees does your company have, including full time, part time and casual employees?
21. Do you currently employ any of the following (tick all that are relevant)
22. What is the approximate distribution of employees in your organisation?
Space Cell Please specify number of employees
Accounting and finance
Apprentices and trainees
Customer service
Drivers, delivery or other
Educators, teachers / support staff
Emergency services (police, fire, ambulance)
Health professionals, allied health
Health professionals, medical
Hospitality staff
Information technology
Legal, para legal
Machinery operators
Managers and other professionals
Mining (not otherwise listed)
Primary producer
Project officers
Sales and marketing
Support staff
Tour guides / operators
Trades ( chef, electrician, fitter, builder etc.)