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2025 Housing Inventory Count (HIC)

Housing Inventory Count Survey Instructions

2025 Housing Inventory Count (HIC) Survey

All surveys must be submitted by 11:59 PM on Friday, February 14, 2025.


Every year, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires each Continuum of Care (CoC) to count its housing inventory on the same night as the annually required Point-in-Time (PIT) count. This year, the counts will take place on the night of January 23, 2025. 

The accuracy and response rate of this survey contribute to Chicago's overall competition for annual federal funding and Chicago's ability to acquire new resources to serve the homeless.


This survey is required to be completed by all agencies and projects that have beds and units dedicated to serving homeless persons (regardless of funding source), and for permanent housing projects, dedicated to people who were homeless at entry.

 All HIC surveys must be submitted via Alchemer. Paper/PDF copies will not be accepted.

If you have questions regarding this survey or about the Chicago Homelessness Management Information System (HMIS), please contact the Help Desk by emailing
The HIC Process Overview

This survey will ask projects to verify data found in the 2025 Housing Inventory Count Reference Table helpdesk article. Providers will complete questions relating to the following elements of your project:
  1. Project Information
  2. New or Under-development Inventory
  3. Project Type
  4. Target Population
  5. Units (Funded, Over-capacity, Total)
  6. Beds (Funded, Over-capacity, Total)
  7. Emergency Shelter Beds (Emergency Shelter Projects only)
  8. HMIS Participation
  9. Unit / Bed Occupancy (Non-Participating Projects only)

Login - HIC Information 

We have created the 2025 Housing Inventory Count Reference Table which will show each project's summary as it is currently in HMIS. The username and password are the HMIS ID associated with the Project.

Username: HMIS Project ID

Password: HMIS Project ID
New Login / Password