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TCRP Problem Statement Submission - FY 2026

Problem Statement Submission

The Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) undertakes applied research and technical activities focusing on the needs of transit operating agencies.  Research is conducted in all areas of public transportation, including operations, policy, planning, service configuration, engineering of vehicles and facilities, maintenance, human resources, and administration. The TCRP Oversight and Project Selection (TOPS) Commission will select the research problem statements for the FY 2026 program in the fall of 2025. To be considered for the FY 2026 program, problem submittals must arrive by June 20, 2025.

Based on feedback we have received over the past few years, this form has been greatly simplified. We now require only a few necessary fields, and the bulk of the problem statement should be uploaded as a Word document based on this outline
Provide a suggested title, in as few words as possible.
(Note:  The level of funded provided may be raised or lowered by the TCRP Oversight and Project Selection Committee if and when the problem statement is selected.)
(Note:  This estimate may be changed by the Project Panel.)
3. PROBLEM STATEMENT UPLOADUpload the complete problem statement as a Word document only based on this outline. The size of the uploaded file cannot exceed 2MB. 
Be sure to click "Upload" after you have chosen a file.
4. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONIf needed, you may upload a file with additional information about the problem such as a letter of support, etc. The file may be a Word document (.doc or .docx), plain text file (.txt), rich text file (.rtf), or a PDF file (.pdf) and cannot exceed 1 MB.
Be sure to click "Upload" after you have chosen a file.
You may use the comments field below to explain or describe the additional information contained in the uploaded document.