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2025 Dance Forum Evaluation

Thank you for your participation in this year’s Dance Forum. Dance/USA welcomes your anonymous feedback on the Forum, which will be used to support future programming.
1. Please select the best answer for each of the following statements:
Space Cell Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
Content matched the written description.
Ideas and information covered will provide value to my work.
Forum met my expectations.
2. Panelists/Speakers Effectiveness
Space Cell Very DisatisfiedDisatisfiedSatisfiedVery Satisfied
Knowledge of Subject Matter
Effectiveness of Delivery
3. Forum Level
4. Please list 1-3 topics of interest you would like to see included in future Dance Forums:
5. Dance/USA is always planning content throughout the year. Which of the following types of workshops/webinars do you feel would be most useful to your needs (check all that apply)? *This question is required.
6. Are you or is your organization a current member of Dance/USA? *This question is required.
8. What styles/genres/forms of dance are you most closely associated with (this is free-text). You may list only one, or multiple (up to 3). If listing multiple, please use the first one as your MAIN genre. *This question is required.
9. How would you characterize your primary role within the dance ecosystem? Check more than one if you feel you hold multiple principal roles.  *This question is required.
13. Based on your experience at the Dance/USA Dance Forum, what is the likelihood that you would recommend a Dance/USA event to a colleague/friend? *This question is required.
not likelylikelyvery likely