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Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board

About the Activity & the Call for Experts

Learn more about the activity here

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is seeking suggestions for experts to the Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board. The National Academies' Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board (NRSB) is tasked with four core missions:


  1. Nuclear and radiation technologies
  2. Radiation health effects
  3. Nuclear materials and waste management
  4. Nuclear safety and security


To meet its mission, NRSB is seeking four board members with expertise in one or more of the following areas:


  • Nuclear Engineering and Fuel Cycle
  • Nuclear Waste Management
  • National Security and Terrorism
  • Nuclear Safety
  • Epidemiology and Radiation Statistics
  • Radiation Research and Health Effects
  • Radiation Protection


In addition to advising in these disciplines, nominees should (1) have relevant expertise, (2) work well within an advisory group, and (3) be available to help NRSB's staff develop new projects for National Academies' studies or workshops and sponsor access and engagement.


Lastly, board members are expected to serve a 3-year term and to attend two annual meetings.


For more information about the call for nominations, please view the event page.

The National Academies are committed to enhancing diversity and inclusion in order to strengthen the quality of our work. Diverse perspectives contribute to finding innovative approaches and solutions to challenging issues. We encourage the suggestion of experts who reflect the populations we serve and also welcome in particular suggestions of experts from underrepresented racial, ethnic, gender and sexual identity groups, people with disabilities, and early- and mid-career professionals.

We invite you to submit your suggestions by February 02, 2025 AT 11:59 PM.

Will you be submitting yourself for consideration to engage in this activity? *This question is required.
You will provide your information for consideration on the next page.
Will you be submitting suggestions for other experts for consideration to engage in this activity? *This question is required.
After providing your information on the next page, additional pages will be generated to collect information on your expert suggestions. Please select the number of additional experts you would like to suggest in the question below.

You have the option to suggest up to 5 additional experts in this submission, but there is no limit to the number of times you can respond to this call before the close date.
How many additional experts will you be suggesting with this submission? *This question is required.You can return to this page to change the value if necessary without losing any text or answers you have provided on the pages.