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Registration - 2025 Storytelling Workshop

REGISTER Storytelling Workshop (April 21, 2025)

The Center on KTDRR is sponsoring a face-to-face workshop to help you learn how to use storytelling as a way of talking about your work. The workshop will guide participants through the process from storytelling principles to polished written story producing, by the workshop’s conclusion, a self-created, well-crafted 2-minute story on their research or priority issue. Mark Bayer of Bayer Strategic Consulting will facilitate. 

Who: Designed for grantees funded by NIDILRR, open to others as space allows
Date: the afternoon of Monday, April 21, 2025
Where: Embassy Suites - Alexandria Old Town (Alexandria, VA).

Mark Bayer of Bayer Strategic Consulting will facilitate.

If you have questions, please contact Tracy Bauman at

The workshop is free. The Center on KTDRR does not, however, cover travel costs.
Registration is capped at 15, with priority given to NIDILRR grantees.
Registration closes 5:00 p.m. Central on April 14, 2025.
1. Registration Information
(Please note: we will use this information for the participant list.)
This question requires a valid email address.
2. Please indicate your affiliation with NIDILRR or projects funded by NIDILRR.

Note: As part of its evaluation activities, the Center on KTDRR staff follows up with NIDILRR grantees about 3 to 6 months after trainings to find out if and how they are applying what they learn.
*This question is required.