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Public Health Infrastructure Grant (PHIG) Progress Report

Public Health Infrastructure Grant (PHIG) Progress Report

This is the progress report that fulfills the deliverable for the LPHA CDC Public Health Infrastructure Grant (PHIG) funding. Only one response per LPHA is needed. OPHP will save your response in your LPHA CDC Public Health Infrastructure Grant file that is part of our funding record for audit purposes. We will aggregate the responses for the 6-month report that CDPHE sends to the CDC. We will use the qualitative responses to describe our project level work. Thank you.
Please enter respondent name and email address
This question requires a valid email address.
5. Have you spent down all of your funding, and is this your final progress report? *This question is required.
8. Are you on track to complete the milestones and activities as they are outlined in the work plan you submitted? *This question is required.
9. Have you added new line items or changed more than 25% of line items since your last budget submission? *This question is required.
If you need to submit a revision to your budget or work plan, please use this link: OPHP Document (Budget, Work Plan etc.) New or Change Revision Request Submission Form