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Queen of All Saints 2025 Feasibility Survey

Queen of All Saints Parish is asking that each household take 5 to 10 minutes to complete this survey to help shape the future of our parish.  Thank you in advance for your time and consideration!
1. How long have you been a member of the parish?
2. Do you participate in any parish ministries or organizations outside of attending Weekend Mass?
3. What is your opinion/evaluation of your parish in the following areas?
Space Cell ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoorNo Opinion
A) Physical plant facility (church, seating, parking):
B) Pastoral leadership:
C) Staff (office, administration, maintenance):
D) Community outreach:
E) Ministries:
F) Youth programs:
G) Overall perception:
4. Please indicate your feelings regarding the importance of the following projects at your parish.
A)  Replacing the roof of the church. Which includes, all of the eaves and gutters as well as insulating the roof which was not insulated when the building was initially constructed.
B)  Completely updating the HVAC system for heating and air conditioning.
C) Replacing the church lighting system to provide enhanced lighting and to reduce shadows and areas of low lighting.
D) Replacing the church sound systemin order to provide consistent sound throughout the church.
E) Replacing the old, defunct organ to enhance the parish liturgy.
5. To complete the projects, we will need to raise about $2.1 million.
A)  Are you in favor of a capital campaign to help meet this financial commitment?
6. Would you consider making a 3-year pledge commitment to the campaign?
7. Would you consider taking a volunteer position in the campaign?
If yes, please indicate the position.
8. Do you know of anyone who would make a good campaign chairperson?  Please list below.
9. Do you know of any major obstacles if a capital campaign were to be conducted at this time?
10. Do you think $2.1 million is a realistic goal for our parish community?