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Community Survey

Welcome to the first survey for Imagine Rotary Square! The Traverse City Downtown Development Authority (DDA) purchased and razed the former half-acre Chemical Bank property at the corner of State and Union in 2019 to create a new public space. Over the last couple of years, the DDA has used Rotary Square to host several community events including the Michigan/Michigan State tailgate, a concert series with the Traverse City Philharmonic, and Movies at the Square. This past summer, the DDA used Rotary Square to host the Farmers Market. These activities demonstrated Rotary Square’s potential. Now we need to hear from the community to shape the vision for the future of the space. We appreciate your willingness to share your time and insights. As we think about the future of Rotary Square, we’re eager to gather ideas and opinions from the Traverse City community.

This survey is the first of many opportunities to provide input during the Imagine Rotary Square planning and design process. Stay tuned for more information through the DDA’s website here:

2. Which of the following experiences would you most like to have in Rotary Square? Select up to three.
3. Which of the following improvements would you most like to see in Rotary Square? Select up to three

4. Rank the following priorities for Rotary Square, from most to least important. (1=Most Important; 6=Least Important) Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.