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Apply for 2025 After Stonewall Conference with the Gender and Sexual Diversity Committee

Expression of Interest: After Stonewall Conference 2025 with the Gender and Sexual Diversity Committee

The SEIU-West Gender and Sexual Diversity Committee (GSDC) invites you to apply to attend their 2025 Conference. This event will focus on understanding, supporting, and celebrating the needs/concerns/perspectives of 2SLGBTQIA+ persons.

The Conference will be held at the SEIU-West Saskatoon office on April 17, 2025 from 9:30am - 4:30pm. Interested members may apply to attend by completing the Expression of Interest form no later than Friday February 14, 2025 to allow time to complete the registration and selection process.

For those selected, the committee will cover your costs including: your lost wages/honorarium, mileage, travel time and applicable meals as per our policies. Hotel rooms will also be provided if you are more than 200km away. We ask that you notify us to cancel your hotel if your plans change and you are unable to attend. If you are selected to attend and you are scheduled to work, you can apply for union leave to attend.

2. Your pronouns *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
7. Have you attended union conferences/events before?  *This question is required.
8. Do you regularly attend your Unit union meetings and events? *This question is required.
10. Are you currently working? *This question is required.
We'd love to have you attend our Conference, but if you indicated that you are on Short-Term Disability or Workers Compensation, it's risky for members to attend. If you don't claim the income from coming to the Conference correctly, they may charge you with fraud and cause you to never qualify for either WCB or DIP again. You also need to ensure that attending this Conference fits within your abilities and is approved by your Disability Worker, etc. 

How would you like to proceed?
Okay thanks, take care.
11. I have the following dietary needs: *This question is required.
12. Do you identify as a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community?

*Note: Your disclosure information will not be shared with anyone other than the committee and staff in order to plan for the conference.
  *This question is required.
13. If you live more than 200 km from the event, we will provide accommodations. Do you live more than 200 km from Saskatoon? *This question is required.
Most hotel rooms are double rooms and room-sharing is mandatory. Please specify if you prefer to share with a specific member. We will do our best to accommodate your request and you will be notified about your hotel room arrangements. *This question is required.
I identify as a: 
*For purposes of room-sharing, we are using the term sibling for those that don't identify/don't choose to identify as brother or sister. *This question is required.
I would prefer to room-share with a:
(check all that apply) *This question is required.
I would prefer to room-share with a:
(check all that apply) *This question is required.
I prefer to room-share with a:
(check all that apply) *This question is required.
NOTE: the information you provide in this form will be used for the purposes of this event including but not limited to registration, carpooling and/or hotel room sharing if required.