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2024 Audio Verse Awards Ballot with Images


Welcome to voting for the 2024 Audio Verse Awards!

How it works
For this round, we're voting on individual shows that are either New (debuted 1 Oct 2023 to 30 Sept 2024) or Existing (debuted before 1 Oct 2023). 

Voting starts with New Productions and proceeds to Existing Productions. First, you will select productions you would like to rank later in the ballot. Productions are listed alphabetically when selecting. After selecting the productions, you'll rank them in order of preference for each category. Desktop users will see a ranking grid where they will rank their selections by tapping the radio buttons. Mobile users will see a list to tap their choices in order. Load times may vary: many choices may take a few seconds.

Save and Continue
In the upper right-hand corner, you can enter your email and receive a unique link allowing you to return to the survey later.

We use the Borda Count method for tabulating votes:

If you would like to see the list of nominees and cover art, check out: