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Farmers Weekly Level The Field Charter

About the Campaign

There are many women working across the board within agriculture in a variety of roles, but we recognise that our industry can always do more to attract more women to farming careers and make it a more inclusive environment.

Our campaign, Level the Field, will engage all people and organisations across our industry, men and women alike, to bring about change that will make agriculture fairer, more equitable and more inviting for women.

Farmers Weekly’s Level The Field gender diversity charter aims to go further than the legal minimum requirements around equality and enable signatories to make commitments to strive for best practice; building gender diversity into their day to day practices.

By signing up to this charter you are committing to improving gender diversity in our industry. 

Signing the charter is not a guarantee that all commitments are currently met by your organisation, but that you pledge to recognise the principles as important best practice and commit to working towards achieving them.

We hope the charter can be used as a means to bring about more change in the sector and hold each other accountable.