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NCARB Live: AI & Architecture Survey

Thank you for attending our webinar on artificial intelligence (AI) and architecture! Please answer the survey questions below to help us understand more about architects’ views regarding AI.
In your opinion, will artificial intelligence increase or decrease the agency of the architect?
What level of impact do you think artificial intelligence will have on the architecture profession?
In your opinion, do you think the following professionals will be more or less impacted by artificial intelligence than architects? 
Space Cell Less impactedThe sameMore impacted
Code officials
Building Inspectors
Construction Professionals
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Like previous technological innovations, artificial intelligence is simply the latest evolution of tools available to architects.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The current definition of responsible control adequately allows practitioners to use artificial intelligence.

Note: “Responsible control” means responsibility for exercising the ultimate authority over, and possessing the knowledge and ability to oversee, delegate, and integrate the design and technical decisions related to the preparation of the project’s instruments of service and the project’s implementation in conformance with the standard of care.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The proliferation of artificial intelligence will change the responsibility and accountability associated with an architect’s responsible control.
Would ethical guidance on the use of artificial intelligence be helpful to you as a practitioner?
Is NCARB an appropriate body to provide guidance on ethics related to artificial intelligence?