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Autistic Adult Support Services - sector survey 2024

Sector Survey 2024

Scottish Ethnic Minority Autistics have been commissioned by the Autistic Adult Support Fund to research support offered in Scotland specialised for Black, Asian, Indigenous and Ethnic Minority autistic communities.  

The information we gather from this survey will help us understand what support and services are currently available, to develop a plan and identify resources to meet the needs of autistic adults.  

This survey should take about 20-30 minutes to complete. Responses should be completed on behalf of the organisation you work in. We also ask for a contact name and contact details. This will enable us to know what support and services your organisation offers and allow us to signpost autistic adults to the information and support that they may not already be aware of. 

Once we have completed the research and analysed the results, we plan to share the findings and recommendations.