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Vocational education and training declaration form 2025

Principals are to ensure they have read and understood the requirements for delivering vocational education and training (VET) to secondary students (listed below) before signing this form.

Part A – General

Reporting and record maintenance
(i) Schools enrolling students in VET do so on the understanding that they are able to:
  1. receive written verification1 of unit of competency, qualification and the Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) funded VET skill set achievements from the relevant registered training organisation (RTO) prior to any data upload to the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority)
  2. provide results for units of competency, qualifications and DTWD funded VET skill sets to the Authority as per the dates outlined in the 2025 Activities Schedule
  3. provide the Authority with VET achievement data in accordance with the agreed data file formats and timelines
  4. maintain accurate records and evidence of student VET achievement.
Delivery and assessment
(ii) The qualification delivery and assessment requirements and the reporting dates are clear and understood by each party including the:
  1. school
  2. RTO
  3. students undertaking the qualification
  4. relevant stakeholders involved (employers/businesses/agencies).
RTO partnerships
(iii) Negotiations between the RTO and the school on the delivery, quality assurance and certification of the qualification have been agreed upon (and in line with Part A (i) c listed above), which include: 
  1. the specified core/mandatory units of competency to be delivered 
  2. the specified number of electives to be delivered 
  3. ensuring that the qualification being delivered is on scope of registration for the RTO
  4. ensuring that the school uploads DTWD funded VET skill set results.

Part B – VET industry specific courses

(iv) Schools enrolling students in VET industry specific courses have considered all components and workplace requirements, including the ability to:
  1. provide appropriate human and physical resources to offer the course
  2. provide workplace details to the Authority if requested as part of the VET industry specific integrity check to verify that the student’s workplace:
    1. is aligned to the qualification undertaken as part of the VET industry specific course
    2. provides an opportunity to reinforce the learning of the qualification undertaken as part of the VET industry specific course
    3. is undertaken concurrently with the qualification through the Authority-developed Workplace Learning (ADWPL) endorsed program.

1Verification should be in the form of an AQF Qualification, record of results or a statement of attainment (a copy is sufficient). If the AQF Qualification, record of results or statement of attainment has not yet been issued by the RTO, written evidence which includes the RTO letterhead and a statement of the results for the units of competency and Certificate issue number for the qualification that the student has achieved, or is eligible to achieve, is necessary to indicate that they have met all requirements.

Declaration by the principal I certify that all VET (and where applicable VET industry specific courses) in which students at this school are enrolled is/are offered under the above conditions.
2. Principal's signature: *This question is required.
Signature of
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