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Student achievement in course units (other than Year 12) declaration form 2024

This declaration is to be completed by schools that have achievements for students (other than 
Year 12) who studied course units in 2024.

Declaration by the principal

I certify that, for the student achievement results submitted by this school:
(i)    the course units studied were delivered as published in the syllabus on the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) website;
(ii)    the following Authority assessment requirements were satisfied:
  • The school has a senior secondary assessment policy based on the Authority’s assessment guidelines.
  • The school has a course outline and an assessment outline for each course unit or pair of units. Each assessment outline has conformed to the assessment requirements as specified in the assessment table of the syllabus and has provided students with the opportunity to demonstrate their achievement of the knowledge, skills and understandings that they have acquired in their study.
  • The school has, if requested, provided the Authority with access to teachers’ assessment documentation and the marked assessment tasks for all students.
  • The school has implemented internal comparability processes where more than one teacher is teaching a course unit.
The signature of the principal is necessary before the Authority can accept the school’s results.
2. Principal's signature: *This question is required.
Signature of
This question requires a valid email address.