Dear Licensed Guides and Guide Applicants:
Please take the time to read this registration in its entirety. Most of the questions you may have regarding the Licensed Guide Program will be answered below.
The Licensed Guide examinations for 2025 have been scheduled for:
- May 9
- June 6
- July 11
- September 12
These examinations will be online with the exception of the March 1st date, which will be hosted by the New York State Outdoor Guides Association (NYSOGA) at their annual winter meeting. You will have 30 minutes to complete each exam with the exception of the Basic Requirements exam which allows 90 minutes for completion.
This year, NYSOGA’s meeting will be held February 27 - March 2, 2025, at the White Eagle Conference Center, Hamilton, NY. Various training seminars as well as First Aid, CPR, and Water Safety certification courses will be offered at this meeting
. Those interested in taking the exam on March 1st must submit their registration by February 21st. Late submissions will not be accepted. Anyone interested in attending the First Aid, CPR, or Water Safety classes must register directly with NYSOGA. For more information regarding the annual meeting, contact NYSOGA at 1-866-469-7642 or visit their website at
To apply for an exam, you must complete this registration in its entirety.
With the exception of the in-person exams to be held at the NYSOGA meeting listed above, registration for each exam will close the WEDNESDAY before the exams. Registrations must be submitted by the registration deadline. There will be no exceptions.
The 2025 dates listed are the ONLY dates the examinations will be scheduled. There will be no examinations given nor will any licenses be issued in person from the Albany office.
Important: Every guide must take and pass the Basic Requirements exam, as well as the category exam(s) for which they choose to become a Licensed Guide. In addition, anyone who plans to use boats and/or canoes while guiding, even if just transporting clients to the guiding activity, must take the Boats and Canoes exam.
Valid First Aid, CPR and Water Safety certifications are required for all guiding categories. These certifications are NOT required when registering to take the exam, however, proof of current certification must be provided before your guide license will be issued. Please submit your certifications along with your application after the exam. There is a list of acceptable courses available on the DEC website. If you are having difficulty in locating a Water Safety Course you may contact NYSOGA at
Once you complete registration, you will receive a confirmation email informing you that your registration was received, which will include your exam link(s). You will be responsible for taking and passing the examination(s) for which you have applied including the Basic Requirements exam. The links will remain inactive until exam day.
Upon successful completion of the examination(s), you must complete and submit an application, any required documentation, and fees in order for a guide license to be issued to you. Licenses are valid for a period of five years from the date of issue.
A study outline can be found on the DEC Licensed Guide Program website, The Field Book, a reference book published by the Boy Scouts of America, is also recommended and can be found at any local library or bookstore.
If you have any questions, please call the Special Licenses Unit at 518-402-8985.
The Special Licenses Unit
Please click the next button on the bottom of this page to begin your registration.