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FFA Festival Worker Employment & Compensation Survey

Screener and Geography

Thank you for taking our survey. Please read the following statement on the confidentiality of your information.
Note: Film Festival Alliance and Avenue ISR follow a strict protocol of confidentiality and anonymity when conducting surveys. As a neutral third-party, our partner Avenue ISR will work directly with the raw data, the survey responses, and will scrub any identifying information before sharing with Film Festival Alliance. In reporting, all responses will be summarized into group statistics* so that no individual respondent or individual film festival is singled out. At no point will FFA or Avenue ISR reveal any individual responses to any questions. We ask that you share as much information as you are comfortable sharing. Partial responses are still helpful in establishing national benchmarks.

The goal of this survey is to provide recent, data-supported research on current wage and benefit trends so film workers and film festivals can assess their own salary and benefit structures against national benchmarks. Through a national benchmarking, we can better advocate for labor equity within the film festival community and allow film workers to take charge of their own salary negotiations using validated data that is relevant to the film festival field.

* For example, we may use your individual responses to code festivals by size, region, urban/rural, etc. We'll report results similar to the following: "Medium sized festivals with an annual budget of XX typically pay festival programmers an hourly wage of $yy/hour."
1. Have you worked for any of the following organizations, either as an employee or a contractor, in the past 2 years? Do not include any roles that you have done exclusively as a volunteer. Please select all that apply.
2. Where do you live all or most of the year?