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Contractor Verification Form_V2

Register: Home Renovation Savings Heat Pump Contractors List

Enbridge Gas and the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), through its Save on Energy brand, have partnered to launch the new Home Renovation Savings program in 2025. 

Whether a home is heated with electricity or Enbridge natural gas, eligible homeowners in Ontario will be able to receive rebates for energy-efficient upgrades. Eligible products will be from NRCan’s product list for cold climate air source heat pumps (both ducted and ductless), and ground source heat pumps. 

If you are interested in joining this network, please complete the questionnaire in Section A and gather the necessary supporting documents outlined in Section B. 

If you have completed registration in late 2024 or are in the process of completing registration, you are not required to fill out this form again.