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California Farm to Child and Adult Care Food Program (Farm to CACFP) Census


Introduction -- New California Farm to CACFP Initiative

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Branch is embarking on a new California Farm to CACFP Initiative and is encouraging all CACFP Operators to participate over the coming years!

Participation in the Farm to CACFP Initiative is not required but highly encouraged to enhance the wellbeing of participants in your care.

The CDSS CACFP Branch is committed to providing CACFP Operators with the tools and resources to successfully implement and sustain Farm to CACFP activities that enrich the quality of learning experiences, increase access to quality meals for CACFP participants across the state, advance equity in food systems, and support the health and wellbeing of all Californians.

What is Farm to CACFP?

Farm to CACFP elements are generally centered around:

(Hover over phrases for definitions)

1. Locally Sourced Food
2. Nutrition and Agriculture-based Education
3. Edible Gardens

Purpose of Census—Collection of Baseline Data

Before embarking on this new Initiative, the CDSS CACFP Branch would like to assess CACFP Operator participation in Farm to CACFP activities during the Federal Fiscal Year 2023/24 (FFY 23/24) between October 1, 2023 and September 30, 2024. Please respond to all questions as they pertain to this timeframe.

After collecting baseline data, the CDSS CACFP Branch will be able to measure whether efforts in the coming years to promote Farm to CACFP elements are successful. The CACFP Branch plans to distribute this Census every other year.

The purpose of this Census is to determine:
  • the prevalence of Farm to CACFP activities among California agencies and the number of children/adults impacted
  • the benefits and challenges of Farm to CACFP
  • interest in Farm to CACFP training
  • interest in participating in a virtual 6-session Farm to CACFP Nutrition Education Pilot Program (limited to child care centers).
Upcoming Farm to CACFP Tools and Resources

The CDSS CACFP Branch is committed to providing CACFP Operators with the tools and resources to successfully implement and sustain Farm to CACFP activities.

Who Should Complete This Census?

The CDSS CACFP Branch is eager to hear from all CACFP agencies including those from adult day care centers! The CDSS CACFP Branch thanks CACFP Operators in advance for completing this census even if they are currently not participating in Farm to CACFP activities.

Participation is Voluntary and Anonymous

Your participation in this census is voluntary and will not impact your participation in the CACFP in any way. This census is also anonymous unless you would like to apply to participate in a virtual 6-session Farm to CACFP Nutrition Education Pilot Program (described for child care centers at the end of the Census).

  • Only one census should be completed per CACFP agency. Please complete and submit this survey by Friday, April 11, 2025.
  • CACFP Authorized Representatives who oversee more than one CACFP agency [i.e., agencies that have different Child Nutrition Information and Payment System identification numbers (CNIPS ID)], should complete a separate census for each agency.
  • CACFP Operators that have multiple program types within their agency (i.e., they operate child care centers and at-risk afterschool programs), will be asked to respond to questions related to each of these program types separately. The CDSS CACFP Branch is interested in finding out Farm to CACFP activities specific to these different populations and acknowledges and appreciates the additional time necessary to complete the census in those instances.

This Census should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete depending upon whether you have more than one program type, i.e., child care and at-risk afterschool programs. It can be started, saved, and returned to later to complete. 

ATTENTION: To go back to a previous page, select the back button at the bottom of the page. Do not select the back arrow on your browser or you will lose all your work! To save the Census and return to it later, select the Save button at the top of the tool bar.

If you have questions about the census, please email the CDSS Farm to CACFP Team at

If you have technical questions related to the survey, please contact