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CIPWIC-Share Your Project!

CIPWIC-Share Your Story!

We invite you to share your story, project, or highlight with the Center on Innovation and Partnership for WIC (CIPWIC)! In partnership with the National WIC Association (NWA), CIPWIC is dedicated to supporting the 12,000 public health nutrition service provider agencies and the more than 6.8 million women, infants, and children served by the WIC program. Together, we work to promote healthier families nationwide through advocacy, innovation, and tailored support for WIC staff.

If you'd like to connect directly with CIPWIC, you have several options to do so! Whether you want to highlight your work, ask questions, or explore opportunities for collaboration, we’re here to help. NWA also maintains a database of researchers focused on WIC-related projects and facilitates peer learning connections, answers inquiries, and shares relevant resources.

We respect the intellectual property of researchers, and will not share any information without your consent.

7. Which, if any, of the following are you requesting from NWA? Please check all that apply.