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Honors Experiential Opportunities Survey

The Honors Program is exploring ways to expand experiential learning opportunities for Honors students, such as service learning or field trips within courses, study away and study abroad, and undergraduate researchWe would greatly appreciate if you'd take the time to complete this survey to provide input on potential initiatives for the program. Please complete by Sunday, February 9th. Thanks so much! Dr. J 
3. College Year
4. Which of the following Honors experiential learning opportunities interest you most? (Select your top 3).
5. How interested and likely are you to study away for a quarter at the University of Hawaii at Manoa as part of their Honors program? Courses would be substituted for Cal Poly Honors Elective courses. (For more information see the Study Abroad link on the Honors website). 
Space Cell ExtremelyVeryNeutralNot VeryNot At All
How interested are you in the U of Hawaii Study Away?
How likely are you to do the U of Hawaii Study Away?
6. How interested and likely are you to study abroad for a quarter? 
Space Cell ExtremelyVeryNeutralNot VeryNot At All
How interested are you in Studying Abroad?
How likely are you to Study Abroad?
7. How much has your Honors experience been enriched by taking small classes?
Extremely EnrichedVery EnrichedNeutralNot Very EnrichedNot Enriched At All
8. How much has your Honors experience been enriched by a focus on interdisciplinarity in your classes?
Extremely EnrichedVery EnrichedNeutralNot Very EnrichedNot Enriched At All
9. How important is it to you that Honors provide opportunities to work on faculty research projects?
Extremely ImportantVery ImportantNeutralNot Very ImportantNot Important At All
10. How important is it to you that Honors classes include an experiential component?
Extremely ImportantVery ImportantNeutralNot Very ImportantNot Important At All