You may be eligible for hospital financial assistance to pay your bills if you are uninsured, if your insurance is exhausted, or if you have health insurance but have proof of paid medical expenses totaling more than 10% of your income. Completing this form will start your request for hospital financial assistance. This form is used by all hospitals in New York State. HSS may also use this form in New Jersey, Connecticut, and Florida.
2. Family Information
Please list below all family members in your household. Your household includes yourself, your spouse or domestic partner, and any children or other dependents. For example, this would include everyone listed on the same tax return.
Gross income means your income before taxes are deducted.
Gross income can consist of work earnings (wages, salaries, tips, earnings from selfemployment), unearned income (social security, disability, and unemployment benefits), contributions (funds from family or friends), and other sources of income (temporary assistance and supplemental security income).
The hospital may request you submit documentation as proof of income; examples of documentation might include a pay stub, a letter from your employer if applicable, or Form 1040.