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MA Teacher of the Year Nomination Form

Teacher of the Year Nomination Form

Do you know a great teacher? A teacher who...

  • Creates an affirming environment where students engage in deeper learning and are held to high expectations with targeted support?
  • Builds strong relationships with students, families, and the larger school and district community?
  • Has ideas about great teaching, feels strongly about what it looks like to provide high-quality instruction, and is eager to work with a diverse group of stakeholders to make our education system better?

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is seeking nominations for the next Massachusetts Teacher of the Year!

Being the Massachusetts Teacher of the Year is a way for incredible teachers to be celebrated, share their voice and their learning journey, and broaden their impact. 

Please submit this form to nominate a teacher. The nominated teacher will receive a congratulatory email notifying them of your nomination and an invitation to apply.

For more information on the Massachusetts Teacher of the Year program, including specific eligibility requirements, click here.
1. Thank you for nominating a teacher. Please provide the following information about yourself. *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
How do you know the teacher being nominated? *This question is required.
2. Please provide the following information about the nominee. *This question is required.
Is this a nomination for co-teachers? (two teachers who teach in the same classroom at the same time and are responsible for the same students)
This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid email address.
Grade Level - Check all that apply
Subject Area - Check all that apply
  • * This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.