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NYC Department of Education - 2024-2025 Cyber Safety Certification

Dear Principal,

The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and state regulations require that you educate all of your students on appropriate online behavior for the 2024-2025 school year. Once you have educated your students, you must certify that your school has provided this instruction by completing this Cyber Safety Certification form. Please do not proceed with this certification if all of your students have not been educated on Cyber Safety this school year.

If you choose to use a non-DOE approved curriculum to satisfy the compliance requirement, please note that there is no curriculum approval process this school year. Instead, you must be able to certify that the chosen curriculum educates students in grades K–12 about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with others on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyberbullying awareness and response.

For curriculum-related questions, email Lisa Nielsen.
For non-curriculum related questions, email

Note:  * - responses are required
2.   Enter information below *This question is required.
Space Cell Person completing certification
First Name *This question is required
Last Name *This question is required
Title *This question is required
This question requires a valid email address.
5. Which curriculum did you use to educate your students on the topics set forth in Question 4? *This question is required.