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CenterPoint Emerging Leaders Application - Cohort 5

CenterPoint Emerging Leaders Institute Application

Thank you for your interest in the 5th cohort of the CenterPoint Emerging Leaders Institute for Nonprofit Professionals. Please have all of your documents and information ready to upload to complete your application prior to beginning your application.

Qualifications: This program is specifically for mid-level managers who have been in their position with their organization for at least one year. This program is not appropriate for senior level or founding CEO/ED roles. Candidates should be employed with a nonprofit organization in the health and human service sector within Harris, Fort Bend, Waller, or Montgomery County. Applicants who do not meet these requirements will not be considered. 

Documents required: 
- Narrative Statement
- Updated resume 
- CEO/Executive Director letter of reference 
1. Contact Information *This question is required.
3. Demographics *This question is required.
4. Nonprofit Agency *This question is required.
5. Education Background *This question is required.
7. Skills & Experience *This question is required.
Space Cell No ExperienceModerate ExperienceConsiderable Experience
Staff Leadership
Public Speaking
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Principles
Staff/Team Management
Fiscal Management
Strategic Planning
Program Management
Volunteer Leadership
Organizational/Culture Change
Mobilizing Community
11. Please list any community based networks/organizations in which you belong (outside of your employer) and any significant volunteer experiences you've been a part of in the last 5 years. 
12. Statement of Commitment  

 I am prepared to make the time and service commitments required by the program. 
  *This question is required.
Space Cell YesNo
I will attend all mandatory sessions. I will participate fully in all aspects of the program, completing assignments in a timely manner, engaging actively in discussion, and sharing information with Institute members as appropriate. Should my role/job change during or after the Institute , I will notify ELI staff.
I will maintain confidentiality of all information shared in the group, making it a safe place to discuss personal and professional issues.
I understand that graduation is contingent on my active involvement in the program.
13. Please upload your resume
  *This question is required.
14. Please upload your CEO/Executive Director nomination letter endorsing your participation in the program

  *This question is required.
15. In a separate document, please write and upload a one page narrative ( 250 words or less, PDF) conveying why you should be selected for the CenterPoint Emerging Leaders program. Your narrative should address the following: 
  • Why you're interested in the program and why now 
  • Your short-term (12-18 months) career objectives and how this opportunity will support your career objectives
  • Your top 3 career/community leadership achievements to date  
  • How you believe this opportunity will support your long-term career objectives
  • Where is your greatest opportunity for growth as a leader?
  • What you are personally prepared to do to be successful and committed to this program? 
*This question is required.
By submitting your application, you are agreeing to the foregoing Statement of Commitment.