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Student Teacher Registration - SY 2024-2025

As a current or potential student teacher in New York City Public Schools (NYCPS), we deeply appreciate your commitment to supporting New York City’s students and schools. With record hiring expected for the 2025-26 school year, we need great incoming teachers like you, and we are launching the Student Teacher Program to help make your transition from clinical experience to professional teaching career as seamless as possible!  

Take 5 minutes and complete the below to unlock exciting opportunities to support your transition from student teaching to the next stage of your career as a full-time teacher in NYC Public Schools.

1. Are you currently a student teacher assigned to an NYC Public School? (Please note: a student teacher is a student enrolled in a teacher preparation program who has been assigned to a school to complete at least 40 days of clinical training.) *This question is required.
2. Please indicate the semester(s) during which you are, or plan to, student teach in NYCPS: *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.
This question requires a valid email address.
9. In which borough and at which NYC Public School will you be completing your Student Teaching? (if you do not see your school listed, please select "Other")
11. What is your anticipated semester of graduation? *This question is required.
12. Will you seek employment to begin teaching in September 2025? *This question is required.
Yes, I will seek employment to begin teaching in September 2025.I am unsure if I will seek employment to begin teaching in September 2025.No, I will not seek employment to begin teaching in September 2025.
13. Will you seek employment as a teacher in NYCPS? *This question is required.
Yes, I will seek employment as a teacher in NYCPS.Undecided, I may seek employment as a teacher in NYCPS.No, I will not seek employment as a teacher in NYCPS.
14. By when do you expect to obtain your NY State Teacher Certification?
15. Please let us know where you are in your certification journey. Have you: *This question is required.
Space Cell YesNo
Met all graduation requirements for your education degree?
Applied for state certification on TEACH?
Completed all required workshops (SAVE, Mandated Reporter, DASA, and Autism if applicable)?
Passed all NYS certification exams?
Submitted a New Teacher Application with NYC Public Schools?
16. Thank you for your registration responses! Would you be willing to take an extra minute to tell us more about your future career plans? *This question is required.